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職業英語 的士 ビジネス英会話 タクシー編 



C: I don't know the name of the place I want to go to.

   But can I show you where I want to go?

D: Okay, no problem.

C: All right, great. I think I want to go straight ahead here. Can you get onto the fly-over?
  (素晴らしいわ。 ここをまっすぐだと思う。 高速道路に乗って貰える?)

C: Can you go straight through the roundabout?

C: Go left.

C: Can you go into the right hand lane?And go onto the right.

C: Can you just stop?


C: Driver, can I go to the Flower Market, please?

D: Yes, of course. I'll take you to the Flower Market.

C: Thank you very much.

C:What other places can I go to in Mongkok?

D: Ladies Market; you can buy the clothes, anything. because there is very cheap.

C: What other things can I see in Mongkok?

D: And the Bird Market ( Garden), you know?

C: Oh, really? They have lots of birds there?

D: This is the restricted area, you know?

C: Restricted? restricted area.

  I'm sorry. This is a restricted zone. It's a no stopping area.

D: Can I drop you off further on?
    Can I let you out over there?

C: I need to go to Whampoa Garden, Block 5. It's called Juniper Mansions.

     Do you know that one?

D: I'll take you to Whampoa. Would you please direct me?

C: I can't direct you, I'm sorry. I don't know where it is.

D: I'm sorry. I7ll take you to Whampoa.

C: Alright.

C: I'm sorry. I don't know the location. Could you please direct me?

D: Good morning. How are you? Where do you want to go?

C: I would like to go to Ladder Street, please.
D: Yes, in the Hong Kong side?

C: That's right. Hong Kong side.

C: Can you tell me some things about Hong Kong?

D: Oh yes. Hong Kong includes three parts. One is the Hong Kong island...

Where do you wanna go?よりWhere would you like to go?を使うのがベター


D: If people go from Kowloon side to Hong Kong side,

      usually it is ten dollars to cross the harbor tunnel.

     But the passenger must pay double.

C: The only thing I can suggest is to, maybe,

      make some of your explanations a little bit simpler.


C: Can I go to the Museum of Tea Ware please?

D: Yes, but I'm not quite sure where it is. I can ask the center.
    Can you give me the address?

C: I don't know where it is. I think it's on the Hong Kong side.

D: Hong Kong island.

D: Yes, it's in the Hong Kong park.

D: Only twenty-six dollars twenty cents.

C: I only have a five hundred dollar note.

D: This is too much! Five hundred dollar note...

N: I'm sorry. I don't have enough money for change.

   Do you have small change?


[ 2007/03/25 13:44 ] ビジネス英会話 | TB(0) | CM(2)

職業英語 接電話 - ビジネス英会話 電話編 



A: Good morning, JK Enterprise. Can I help you?

B: Hello. Is Mr.Mayo there please?

A: One moment, please.

N: Can I hep you?とMay I help you?は ほぼ同義。

   One moment, please.と Just a minute, please.はほぼ同義

       Please hold.

A: I'm sorry, he is not here right now. Can I take a message?

B: Yes, my name is Peter Booth, that's BOOTH, and my number is 25251234.

N:Can I take a message? (メッセージを頂けますか?)
 Could you please repeat your name? (名前をもう一度お願いします。)

A: I'm sorry Mr. Booth. Could you please repeat your number?

B: 25251234.

A: Let me repeat, 25251234

B: Right. Thank you.

Native English 28,000 Expressions

忙しい時 1

A Good morning, JF Enterprises.Can I help you?

B: Hello! Is Mr. Chow there please?

A: I'm sorry. His line is busy.
    Would you like to leave a message?

B: Yes, my name is John Terry and my number is.....

忙しい時 2 ~テリーの2度目の挑戦~

B: Hello. This is John Terry. Is Mr. Chow there?

A:I'm sorry, Mr. Terry. He's not at his desk right now.

   I'll get him to call you when he returns.

忙しい時 3 ~テリー3度目の挑戦~

B:Hi! This is John Terry.

A: Ah yes, Mr. Terry. Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Chow is in a meeting.
B: I really need to talk to him!

A: I'll make sure he gets your message.

N: His line is busy. やHe's not at his desk right now.や Mr.Chow is a meeting
なんて適当に言って、テリーのようなしつこい電話は断るんですよ。I'll make sure he gets your message.なんて言っとけば、相手は納得しますから。(嘘)

忙しい時4 ~テリー4度目の挑戦~

B: Do you know when she will be back?

A: I'm sorry, Mr.Terry. I DON'T KNOW!

N: きっぱり言うときには、I don't know. ちょっと躊躇してる時には、I'm not sure.

~ テリー5度目の挑戦~ テリー考える。

A:I'm sorry. I'm not sure.

B: Could you put me through to her secretary?


N: きっぱり言うときは、WAIT!!


  Could you wait a minute?

  Could you hold the line, please?

Just a minute, please.や please hold.でもOK

~テリー5度目の挑戦続き~ テリーどうなる?

A: Could you wait a minute, please?

B: Certainly.

A: I'm sorry, she is busy.

N: She is busy は She is not available at the moment.とも言い換えれます。


A: I'm sorry. She is not available at the moment.

  Shall I tell her you called?

B: Yes, please.

N: You get a はげ!こうやってガンガン断りましょうね。byebye~



B: Hello. Is Miss Chow there please?

A: I'm sorry. She is not back yet.

N: She is not back yet は She is not in yet.とも言い換えられます。

A:I'm sorry. She is not in yet. Do you like to leave a message?

N: Do you like to~ とWould you like to~は同義。Would you like to ~の方がより丁寧な表現。

A: Would you like to leave a message?

B:Yes, this is Peter Booth of Lucky Company.

   I just need to know if she received my package.

A: OK, Mr. Booth. I'll tell the message to Miss Chow.

N:  《tell the message to someone》は

     《give someone the message. give the message to someone》と同義

A:OK, Mr. Booth. I'll give the message to Miss Chow. Bye.



受付編 偽名を使ってテリー来社するも・・・。

A: Good morning. How can I help you?

B:Hi! I have an appointment with Mr. Wong.

A: What time is your appointment for?

B: 10AM

A:And can I have your name, please?

B: Bill Walker.

A:Mr. Walker, please take a seat.

A: Mr. Walker, let me just double check your appointment time.

B:10am. Is there problem?

A:I'm afraid that your name is not in the appointment book for today.

   Let me check the other dates. Oh, your name is on the 5th.

B:But isn't today the 5th?

A:I'm sorry, Mr Walker, but today is the 4th.
[ 2007/03/25 13:47 ] ビジネス英会話 | TB(0) | CM(1)

職業英語 ビジネス英会話 会社編 







A: Mr.Andrews.


A: I wonder if I could speak to you for a moment.

B: Sure. What do you want to talk about?

A: I wonder if this might be discussed in private?

B: In private. Certainly.
(個人的に わかったよ。)

A: I would like to discuss a rise in salary.

B: A raise in salary? what makes you think you should get a rise?

A: My sales figures for the last year were among the highest in the firm.

B: Well, that's true.

A: My long service record with the firm, my loyalty to the firm....

   After all, I have made valuable contributions to our team.

B: Why don't you do this?
    Why don't you put those reasons down in writing and let me think about it.


B: Ms Lo.

A: Yes, Mr.Andrews.

B: I wonder if you could work late again tonight.

A: Late again, Mr. Andrews. What time do you think we'll finish?

B: Oh, I suppose 9:00p.m.

A: 9:00p.m.? Alright. But I will receive any compensation for the extra time?

B: Compensation?

A: Yes, we've worked very late every night this week.
  I'm happy to work late occasionally if necessary.

  However, I feel that since I've done a lot of overtime recently,

  I should be compensated for it.

B: Oh, I see. Yes, I suppose you have a point.

   Do you want an overtime allowance or day off?

・overtime allowance 残業手当

・day off お休み

答え方は、I'd like an overtime allowance. か I'd like a day off.


B: Ms Lo, some of my clients are arriving at the airport today.

    I was supposed to meet them. But the partners have called an urgent meeting.

    What should I do?

A: You could arrange for a car company to pick them up.

B: You couldn't meet them yourself, could you?

A: I have a lot of urgent letters to do. You wanted them out by end of today.

B: OK, car company it is then.

A: What are the details of the clients and their flights?

B: Mr.Singh and Mr. Roy of Goodman Limited Company.

 A: OK, what flight are they arriving on?

B: The Alliance Airlines at 3:45p.m.

A: Where are they staying?

B: The Mandana Hotel

A: Did you want me to give a message to them through the car company?

   They have the printout service for that purpose.

B: Oh yeah, that's a great idea.


B: Susanna! It's 9:01 already!

A: Oh! Yes, Mr. Andrews, I'm very sorry but the traffic was very heavy.

C:  I'm very sorry but the traffic was very heavy.

B: But the traffic is always very heavy.

A: Today there was an accident... And my relative was unwell

    and I had to make sure she was alright before I came to work.

C: Today there was an accident... And my relative was unwell.

    and I had to make sure she was alright before I came to work.

A: eh... Yes, an urgent telephone call came just as I was walking out the door...

B: And your alarm clock didn't go off?

    Please make sure you're on time in future.

A: Yes, Mr. Andrews.


C: Mr. Andrews

B: Yes.

C: I'm sorry to say that I'm handing in my resignation.

B:Elanine! You're leaving!

C: I have a formal letter of resignation for the firm's records.

B:But why are you leaving? This is so sudden.

C:I've been head hunted by another firm.

B: Is it a better position?

C: Yes, they're offering me a higher salary, longer leave

   and better chances for promotion.

C: Could I also ask you for a reference letter?

B: Sure, I'll be happy to write you one.

C: Yes, I'm sorry to leave the company

    but my career prospects are better with new firm.

B: Well, I wish you good luck.

[ 2007/03/25 13:49 ] ビジネス英会話 | TB(0) | CM(1)

職業英語 時装店-- ビジネス英会話 ブティック編 



A: I'm Mr.Help. Can I help you?

B: Yes, you can.

B: Good morning. Can I help you?

C: No, not at the moment. I'm just looking.

B: Take your time. Let me know if you need any help.

C: OK, thanks. I will.

A: Take your time. Let me know if you need any help.

C: Excuse me. I'm looking for a skirt.

B: This skirt is the latest look. It's very slim-looking.

B: Would you like to try it on?

C: No. That's OK. I'll take it.

B: Takeはbuyって意味だよばっきょろー。

C: I love pink.

S: We have all kinds of pastel colors.

C: This jacket looks nice.

S: Would you like to try it on?


S: The jacket looks perfect on you.

C: Thank you. Where's it from?

S: It's made in Italy.

C: I like this too. Where's it from?

S: It's made in Germany.

C: Excuse me. That one is even nicer. Where's it from?

A: It's made in Hong Kong. It's our uniform.

A: May I help you?

C: This sweater feels very soft. Is this 100% cotton or wool?

A: Let me see. Yes. It's 100% wool.

C: This one looks good. What kind of material is this?

B: This is chenille.(シェニール、毛虫糸)

C: Oh! Chenille. How about this one?

B: Fleece(フリース)

C: Are you all right?

B: He's OK. This is fleece.

A: How is it? The sleeves are too short. Would you like to try a bigger size?

C: The sleeves are too long.

A: No, this looks great on you. We only need to shorten the sleeves a little bit... like this.

A: Does that look better now?

C: Yes.

A: Would you like to try this on?

C: These pants are too long.

A: No problem. I can shorten them for you, too.

C: Hold it! Hold it! I want somebody else to do this.

Excuse me. Can you alter these for me?

B: Sure, it'll take a day to do the alteration.

    They'll be ready tomorrow.

A: Please bring along your receipt. Have a nice day.

B: These stitches have come off.

S: Sorry about this. I'll get you another one.

S: I'm sorry. This is the last one we have.

     I'll give you another 10% off on this one.

S: Sorry, we don't have it in this color,

    but we have it in pink, purple and white.

C: Excuse me. I'd like to return this. Can I get a refund?

B: I'm sorry. We don't give refunds, but we'll exchange it for you.


[ 2007/03/25 13:50 ] ビジネス英会話 | TB(0) | CM(1)

職業英語 書店 ビジネス英会話 



S: Do you need any assistance?

S:Are you looking for something special?

C:Oh yes, I'm looking for the travel guide section.

S:I'll show you.

S:I'll take you there.

C:I'm going to Portugal, and I'm looking for the Wonderful Earth Guides.

S:Sure, we carry them. We also have the Let's Travel Guide in our store.

C:I think I'll take this one.

S: Are you looking for something special?



Native English 28,000 Expressions


S: I'll check for you. What's the name of the author?

S:What's the title of the book?

S:I'm afraid we don't have that book in stock. Would you like to order it?

S: I'll need to fill out this order form for you.

S:We'll need to ask for a deposit for the book.

   Could you put a deposit on the order?

S:I'll call you when the book is available. Thank you.

・in stock 在庫  ・ask for ~を必要とする ・deposit 借受金 前払い金

S:Does your son read much science fiction?

S:A lot of kids that age buy Terry Pratchett's books.
(そのぐらいのお歳のお子様にはTerry Pratchettの本がお勧めです。)

   Many kids that age enjoy Terry Pratchett's books.

C: Who's the best known writer in this field?

S: Arthur C Clarke's one of the best known writers in that area.

C:Yeah! Tolkien's book "the Lord of the Rings" is a fantasy classic.

・classic 権威ある書物。一流品とか。

・fantasy  ファンタジー



S: Hello, are you looking for anything in particular?

S: Oh, our business section is right here.

     We have a special deal this week on business books.

S: I f you buy 2 books, you get one free from our special section here.

S: Would you like to join our book club?

S: If you buy 20 books in six months, your 21st book is free!

S: We stamp your membership card every time you buy a book.

    When you have 20 stamps, your next book will be free!

[ 2007/03/25 13:52 ] ビジネス英会話 | TB(0) | CM(1)
