妄想トレーニングS: Do you need any assistance?
S:Are you looking for something special?
C:Oh yes, I'm looking for the travel guide section.
S:I'll show you.
S:I'll take you there.
C:I'm going to Portugal, and I'm looking for the Wonderful Earth Guides.
S:Sure, we carry them. We also have the Let's Travel Guide in our store.
C:I think I'll take this one.
実践S: Are you looking for something special?
Native English 28,000 Expressions
お取り寄せS: I'll check for you. What's the name of the author?
S:What's the title of the book?
S:I'm afraid we don't have that book
in stock. Would you like to order it?
S: I'll need to fill out this order form for you.
S:We'll need to
ask for a
deposit for the book.
Could you put a deposit on the order?
S:I'll call you when the book is available. Thank you.
・in stock 在庫 ・ask for ~を必要とする ・deposit 借受金 前払い金
オススメ本S:Does your son read much science fiction?
S:A lot of kids that age buy Terry Pratchett's books.
(そのぐらいのお歳のお子様にはTerry Pratchettの本がお勧めです。)
Many kids that age enjoy Terry Pratchett's books.
C: Who's the best known writer in this field?
S: Arthur C Clarke's one of the best known writers in that area.
C:Yeah! Tolkien's book "the Lord of the Rings" is a
fantasy classic.・classic 権威ある書物。一流品とか。
・fantasy ファンタジー
実践再びS: Hello, are you looking for anything in particular?
S: Oh, our business section is right here.
We have a special deal this week on business books.
S: I f you buy 2 books, you get one free from our special section here.
S: Would you like to join our book club?
S: If you buy 20 books in six months, your 21st book is free!
S: We stamp your membership card every time you buy a book.
When you have 20 stamps, your next book will be free!