ビジネス英会話 ファーストフード編です。
基本Are you ready to order?
Anything else?
For here or to go?
Eat in or take away?
上の例文の別の表現。ちなみにtake outはNG
What would you like to drink?
What would you like, regular or large?
Four dishes, take on dish and one drink, only twenty dollars.(チャイニーズ英語らしい。)笑
You can choose one of these four dishes plus a drink for only twenty dollars.
Would you like rice or spaghetti to go with it?
・Would you like to try our combos?
・Would you like to try our lunch sets?
What kind of dressing would you like?
Ten dollars each if you spent twenty dollars or more.
Sorry, we only sell one kind each week.
C: Excuse me. How much are these?
Native English 28,000 Expressions
実践1S: Ten dollars each if you spent twenty dollars or more.
I'd need to see your receipt, please.
C: Here. I'd like to have the whole set.
S: Sorry, we only sell one kind each week.
We don't sell the whole set.
C: OK.I'll take one then.
S: Sure. This week we have "Ken Ken".
C: OK. No problem.
S: Right away, sir. Here you are.
C: Thanks.
実践2S:Good morning. What would you like to order?
C: I'd like a fish burger.
S:Right away, Sir.
S: I'm sorry, we're out of fish burgers.
S: How about our chicken burger with French fries?
C: That sounds good. I'll have that.
S:I'm sorry, sir. The French fries are not ready yet.
They'll be ready in a few minutes.
C: That's OK.
S:Here's your order. Enjoy your meal.
S:Thank you.