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action英会話4月4日 Hit plus place 




Hi, everyone. Last week we learned the expression to hit the books.

Remember? You wanna improve your English. You need to hit the books.

Well, as I said hit last week is very useful idiom.

Its words are that changing and becoming idiom is depending on a situation.

For example, if you wanna go somewhere and do something,

You just say hit plus the place
For example, I need money, I don’t have any money, so I’m gonna take my wallet

If I want money, I take my money and go to the bank and withdraw money.

Or I can just say any get some money, somewhere hit the bank.

I need to hit the bank.

I need to hit the bank, in my case, means I need to go to bank and take out money.

If I’m a bank robber and say

“I’m gonna hit the bank.” It probably means I’m going to steal money from the bank.

So the meaning of hit change depending on what you’re going to do.

If I say I need to hit the bathroom before we leave, just means go to the bathroom.

So hit plus place you can imagine the activity that takes place the situation.

I’ll put some example hit here. You can check out some those examples.

Hit the bank. hit the bathroom. Hit the convenient store. Hi the video store.

Something that short.

We wouldn’t say hit the hospital.

Because that takes so long time. Go in it and get out quick

You can hit the drugstore/bookstore.

If you know what you gonna get, going, get it and get out.

Ok? Thank you very much. See you tomorrow.
[ 2007/04/12 16:10 ] Action英会話 | TB(0) | CM(0)

