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職業英語(ビジネス英会話) 秘書編 

ビジネス英会話たぶん最終回 秘書編です。

A: Merry. I'm taking five clients out to lunch. Could you book us a table?

B: Of course, Mr Andrews, which restaurant are you thinking of?
(わかりました アンドリューさん。どのレストランをお考えですか?)

A: I'd like to take them to 'The Mandan'.

Which restaurant are you thinking of?
Which restaurant would you like to take your clients to?

B: What time should I make the booking for?

A: About a quarter past one.

What time should I make the booking for?
What time would you like me to book?

B: Would you like me to inform the clients after I've made the booking?

A: Yes, that would be good.

B: Mr Andrews, the restaurant is fully booked.

Would you like me to try other restaurants?

A: Yes, try 'The Pantry' instead.

A:Marry, can you type a letter for me? I have dictated it onto this tape.

B: Of course, Mr. Andrews. Is the format the same as last one?

A: Yes. Remember to use double space and a larger font size.

B: Certainly.

A: Thank  you.


B: Mr. Andrews, here's the letter you asked for.

Could you please check it before I print the final copy?

A: Yes, Mary. I think I'll change this paragraph.

B: Certainly.

A: Could you put the heading in bold?

B: Certainly, Mr.Andrews.

A: Mary. Could you fax this letter for me right away?

It's quite urgent.

B: Certainly, Mr. Andrews. What's the fax number please?

A: It's on the top of the client's letter.

B: Mr. Andrews, the fax line is engaged.

A: Could you try again?

B:Yes, I'll try again in ten minutes.

A: Any luck this time?

B: No. I think their fax machine isn't switched on.

A:Oh Mary. I'm sorry.

I gave you the wrong number.

Could you try again?

A: Certainly. I'll fax it right away.


A: Mary, can you photocopy these documents for me?

B:Of course, Mr.Andrews. How many copies do you want?

A: For the top two documents, I need four copies of each.

For the bottom two documents, I need five copies of each.

B: Four copies, each of these two.And five copies, each of these two.

A: That's right.

B: AIright, Mr. Andrews, I've finished copying.

    What do you want me to do with these copies?
A: Keep the originals in our files,
  and send the copies to the clients listed on the documents.

B: Do you want any enclosures sent with the documents?

A: Just a compliments slip.


B: Mr. Andrews, I have the appointment book.

   Can I talk to you about your appointments for today?

A:Yes, what appointments do I have?

B: You have a meeting with Mr.Jones at 10:00a.m., a press conference at 11:30a.m.

   and a lunch appointment with Mr.Havers at 1:00p.m.

   But there's a problem with this afternoon.

A: Okay, what's the problem?

B:You told Mr. Lee that you could see him at 3:00p.m.,

    but you were already booked to see Mr. Johson at the time.

    Shall I check if Mr. Lee can see you at 4:00p.m. instead?
Shall I call Mr. Lee to reschedule him for 4:00p.m.?

A: Yes, try to reschedule him.

B: Yes, I'll do that.


A: 一緒にご飯食べようよ?


[ 2007/03/27 21:58 ] ビジネス英会話 | TB(0) | CM(0)

