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The daily English show 25, Mar  ~毎日更新英会話動画~ 


In Stick News today, the United States is the top spam sending nation on earth. But they’re now close to loosing that number 1 spot – China is catching up.

The word SPAM was born in the 1930s, when an American meat company changed the name of one of its products: Spiced Ham.
In 1970 the Monty Python sketch SPAM was first broadcast. The sketch is about the “Green Midget Café” where SPAM is included in almost every restaurant item, and a group of Vikings sit in the corner singing.
Nowadays the word spam is widely used to mean “unsolicited commercial email” or “junk mail”. Spam is highly annoying. Thanks to efforts find and fine prolific spammers, spam is in decline in the US. But in other nations, it’s still on the rise.
There are 13.2 billion spam messages sent every day. And more than seventy percent of them are from zombie computers.

A computer consultant has warned that computer users worldwide need to use better devices to stop their computers from becoming spam-spewing zombies.
And that was Stick News for Tuesday 25th of April.
Kia Ora.

・catch up 追いつく   ・unsolicited 求められていない (solicit 請い求める)
・annoying イライラする ・prolific 多産の  ・decline 減少 ・viking バイキング、海賊
・spew ~を吐く、ぶちまける


1930年代、アメリカの精肉会社が製品のひとつであるAPICEDHAMの名前を変えた時、SPAMという言葉が生まれました。1970年に、the Monty Python sketch SPAMは初めて放送されました。その寸劇は、Green Midget Caféです。それは、SPAMがほぼ全てのレストランの材料に含まれ、海賊の1団体が隅っこに座って歌ってまいす。



conversations with sarah

# 17 Are you OK?
Asking about someone’s health

Sarah is chatting to her neighbour Bob. Bob is worried because Sarah looks tired.
Step 1: Repeat Bob’s lines.
Step 2: Read Bob’s lines on the screen and talk to Sarah!

Bob  Are you OK? You look tired.

Sarah Yeah, I’m just feeling a bit run down.

Bob  Too many late nights?

Sarah Yeah, I’m pretty busy at work at the moment.

Bob  Oh, it’s the end of the term isn’t it?

Sarah Yeah. So I have to mark all of the end of term tests.

Bob  Well, good luck.

Sarah Thanks.

Bob  And you should try and get an early night – sleep is important.

Sarah Mmm true. I think I will.

引用元 http://thedailyenglishshow.blogspot.com/2006/04/show-23-tuesday-25-april.html
[ 2007/03/24 13:03 ] TheDailyEnglish | TB(0) | CM(1)

The daily English show 27, Mar  ~毎日更新英会話動画~ 

Kia Ora. Today two Maori smokefree representatives are meeting a tobacco company in New York to talk about the way cigarettes are killing maori people. Stick News brings you this report about smoking.

This is a cigarette vending machine in Japan. You may be surprised at some of the names of the cigarettes. Lark, peace. You wouldn’t think smoking these things could be so dangerous.

In Japan smoking is on the decline, and some steps have been taken to discourage the habit. There are non-smoking areas in many restaurants and cafes. Smoking in the street is banned in the Chiyoda ward in Tokyo. And in other areas smoking while walking is also discouraged. Advertising smoking is still permitted although the advertisements on trains now come with health warnings.

In some other countries the warnings are much stronger. Such as on this vending machine in Melbourne, Australia.

In New Zealand on December 10th 2004 all bars and restaurants became smokefree. There’s been an aggressive anti-smoking campaign for many years. And smokefree warnings are bilingual. Last year it was discovered that in Isreal, cigarettes called Maori Mix being sold. Maori people were not impressed.

When Tobacco company Philip Morris was contacted about the issue last year, there was an immediate retraction and apology. But Maori still have more to say and are meeting Philip Morris’s parent company in New York today.
And that was Stick News for Thursday the 27th of April.
Kia Ora.


・Maori マオリ人(ニュージーランドの先住民)・representative 代理人 

・ lark ヒバリ、ヒバリに似た鳥の名前 ・ward 区 ・bilingual 2言語使用  

・retraction 撤回 ・apology 謝罪


これは、日本にあるタバコの自動販売機です。 PEACE(平和) LARK(ヒバリ)なんて名づけられるいくつかのタバコ驚くかもしれません。それらのタバコを吸うことは、危険ではないとあなたは思うかもしれない。



maori mixと呼ばれるタバコがイスラエルで見つかりました。マオリの人々はそれを認識していませんでした。

昨年、タバコ会社philip morrisがその問題に気付いた時、即座に撤回と謝罪がありました。しかし、マオリ人はさらに追求し、今日、NYでphilip morrisの親会社と話し合いを行っています。

conversations with sarah
# 19 Have you been to Hawaii before?

Sarah is on the plane from Tokyo to Hawaii. She starts talking to the woman next to her.
Step 1: Repeat woman X’s lines.
Step 2: Read woman X’s lines on the screen and talk to Sarah!

Sarah    Have you been to Hawaii before?

Woman X Yes, about ten times.

Sarah    Wow! You must really like it.

Woman X Yes, I do. It’s a beautiful place.

Sarah    How long are you going for this time?

Woman X 10 days. How about you?

Sarah    Ah, I’m staying for a week. I’ve never been to Hawaii before.

Woman X Really?

Sarah    Yeah. Actually, I’ve never been to America before.

Woman X I hope you have a good time.

Sarah    Thanks. I’m sure I will. I’m really excited.

[ 2007/03/24 19:38 ] TheDailyEnglish | TB(0) | CM(2)

The daily English show 15, Mar ~毎日英会話~ 


[ 2007/03/27 19:05 ] TheDailyEnglish | TB(0) | CM(1)

The daily English show 28, Mar 

[ 2007/03/30 19:09 ] TheDailyEnglish | TB(0) | CM(0)

The daily English show 29, Mar  

インターネットで無料英語学習 ~ハリーポッター~

[ 2007/03/30 19:15 ] TheDailyEnglish | TB(0) | CM(0)
