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action teacher March 8 (英会話・アクションテーチャー) 

意味 おたく ださい

nerd & geek <------> cool person


Hi everybody. you like my glasses? no?

Today is movie expression. Today is a slang day.

I  wanna teach you that the word is very common in a movie, but we don't see very much in 英会話text book. Today's word is "NERD". This kind of faces is nerdy face. Another word of similar is "GEEK". Nerd and geek is opposite word of cool person. Noun is 名詞. So you can say "I'm a nerd." or "I'm a geek." It's little bit like ださい or おたく. ださい and おたくare kind of socially awkward people. people that don't feel comfortable in social situation or not smooth or not cool ... like me. じょpがじぇおpmjふぁs

Well...... I like this glass because they make me look nerdy. I wear these on when I'm on the motorcycle because they block the winds. Anyway, please remember the words "nerd" and "geek" and the adjectives【形容詞】 "nerdy" and " geeky"

one more thing おたく has the feeling of expert of something like 映画... 映画オタク・パソコンオタク・インターネットオタク but in English we can also say "computer nerd" or " computer geek"

おっぽっつ(?) more example is here. thank you very much. see you tomorrow.

[ 2007/03/25 02:05 ] Action英会話 | TB(0) | CM(2)

action teacher March 10 英会話・アクションテーチャー 

That's the straw that broke the camel's back. 堪忍袋の緒が切れる。

『That's the straw that broke the camel's back』を短くして『That's the last straw!!』でも使える。

[That's the last straw!]の場合は、[ That's the last straw!]の後にdecision(結論)を持ってくる。例えば、"That's the last straw! You're fired!!"

[ That was the last straw.]の場合は、見ての通り過去形なのでdecisionが先に在ってその後に[ that was the last straw]を持ってくるようにする.

英語うまくなりたいって思いません? それには外国人と友達になるのが早道!



Hi, everyone. About two weeks ago, I made a video introducing the expression "that's the straw that broke the camel's back. And I got a E-mail asking me how you use it.

Well..  when you describe something that was the 限界,the things that made you do something. For example, if one of my teachers is late for work three times,  maybe on the four times I'll be fired him.

"YOU'RE FIRED!! Because you are late for the fourth times. That's too many times. That's the straw that broke the camel's back."

This is example. if he's late once, I'm angry but, you know, don't be late again. three times I'm getting very angry. four times, OK. that's it. That's the straw that broke the camel's back. You're fired.

OK. so, when you finally do something like... let say another example....

I have a computer and every once in a while it crashes. it freezes. I lose everything. that's annoying. that's happened two or three times. but one day it crashes and I lose my big project.

OHHH. That's it! :( That's the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm buying a new computer. I'm gonna get Mackintosh on this time, for example.

Remember that the idiom " that's the straw that broke the camel's back" can be shorten "That's the las straw!". You can say "That's the last straw!" before you take an action.

That's the last straw! You're fired!

That's the last straw! I'm getting a new computer!

That's the last straw! I want a divorce!

so any kind of strong rejection

First and then, you say decision or  "that was the las straw!" and describe  what you did before.

For example, someone ask you,

"why did you quit a job?"

" Well.... my boss maybe works on Sunday and  that's was the last straw. I couldn't take anymore."
"My boss asked me on a date. That was the last straw, so I quited."

whenever need you make a major decision like quitting your job, breaking up with someone or getting a new computer or car something really makes you change.

Why did you change? Why did you make this decision? that was the last straw.

you'll say what happened and then "that was last straw."

or before you make a decision, "that's the last straw."

Remember even shorter "that's the straw that broke camel's back!" " that's the last straw!" or very short " that's it!" or "that was it"

I hope that expression is easier to use now.

[ 2007/03/25 03:06 ] Action英会話 | TB(0) | CM(2)


会社の休み祝日は ”OFF”のみ

有給の場合だと、take a day off.





Hello everyone. As you can see, I'm wearing my bathrobe today.

Why? Because I'm not at work. Today, I'm off. And that's the point I want to make Today.

Today's lesson is how do you say "おやすみ" in English.

I'm off today. Now,  If you are off, that means you're not working.
今日は休み。 『You're off』は、今君が働いていないってことを意味するんだ。

There are two kinds of "off"s we are talking about.

One is " I have a day off." That's a natural and company or national vacation.
ひとつめは、『I have a day off.』 それは、国や会社の休みのことを言うんだ。

For example, I'm off every Sunday. I'm off Saturday to Sunday. I have a day off.

I didn't decide. They decided. Company decided.

But  if you decide that you're gonna take a day off, you ask the boss,

"Hey! My boss, Can I...   My sister is getting merry on Thursday. Can I take the day off?"

That's different. You say "take a day off". 
そこが違い。きみはtake a day offって言う。

That means other words your coworker are still working but you are off.


You could even take a half day off.

For example, if you have dentist's appointment on Friday morning,

you can take the morning off.

One more thing I point today is the word "break".

×Today I'm break/rest(間違い)  ○Today I'm off(正解).

"Break" is to use for short.. rest in between words.

For example, lunch break/ coffee break.

In some companies, you get coffee break.

Maybe 5minutes  every hour. 5minutes coffee break.

Or lunch break. I'm on my lunch break now.

My lunch break is from one o'clock to two o'clock, for example.

That's all for today. see you tomorrow.
[ 2007/03/29 00:04 ] Action英会話 | TB(0) | CM(0)


正解!! ピンポン!!! の英語での表現の仕方。

[ 2007/03/29 16:01 ] Action英会話 | TB(0) | CM(0)
