Description: The complete hour long episode of Jackass put together from the crews' experiences during the 2001 Gumball 3000 Rally from London to St. Petersburg and back. Enjoy!
Description: India and Pakistan, both nuclear states, have long been on the brink of major conflict. While both sides have made strides towards peace, violence and terrorism continue to be waged by extremists. As this video demonstrates, many ordinary Pakistanis feel that in order to feel patriotic, they must also oppose India.
・ I would kill for(to) sth./ I would die for(to) sth. 『死ぬほどsthが欲しい。』 e.g. I would kill for some pizza. e.g. I would kill to eat some pizza. forの後には~に名詞が入り、toの場合は、動詞。