Google Videoには日々,たくさんの動画コンテンツがアップロードされており,そのほとんどが英語の動画コンテンツだ。ここの人気コンテンツを見ることで生き た英語をたくさん学ぶことができる,というわけだ。ただし,当然のことながらGoogle Videoは語学学習用に設けられたサービスではない。そのため,ある程度の語学力がないと内容を理解することは難しいし,学習用ソフトのように「答え合 わせ」をしてくれるわけでもない。
MIT Worldis a free, open streaming media web site of the most significant public events at MIT. It features the most recent speakers and guests from across the campus and around the world. It is a project of the Professional Education Programs at MIT's School of Engineering.
discription: Cats are so cute when they're placed in things they're not supposed to be in.
B級感たっぷりのvideo clip
題名からして、レオ様主演の『catch me if you can』 のパクリ。
>Who wouldn't want to watch stuff like this at 3am on a sunday still buzzing from a good night of drinking.
>Can you imagine how hot extreme golf would look like coming from these people?
>Or daytime TV Replace soaps with this!
>Back in the 70',We peoples use to say Bahh! it's made in japan,cause they were trying to made something out of nothings...It remind me those Day's THAT ONE cause of coast things are change they the one best organise social peoples
>now, why cant the Americans be as creative as that
Description: The complete hour long episode of Jackass put together from the crews' experiences during the 2001 Gumball 3000 Rally from London to St. Petersburg and back. Enjoy!
Description: India and Pakistan, both nuclear states, have long been on the brink of major conflict. While both sides have made strides towards peace, violence and terrorism continue to be waged by extremists. As this video demonstrates, many ordinary Pakistanis feel that in order to feel patriotic, they must also oppose India.
・ I would kill for(to) sth./ I would die for(to) sth. 『死ぬほどsthが欲しい。』 e.g. I would kill for some pizza. e.g. I would kill to eat some pizza. forの後には~に名詞が入り、toの場合は、動詞。